Ryan joins Analyst Editorial Board

New year, new editorial duties! Ryan has joined the Editorial Board of Analyst as as Associate Editor. As you might expect from the journal title, Analyst published high quality analytical research that fall under three broad scopes: bioanalytical, analytical nanoscience, and advanced analytical systems.

The lab has published three manuscripts in the journal including:

  • Multiplexed evaluation of capture agent binding kinetics using arrays of silicon photonic microring resonators, J.-Y. Byeon, R.C. Bailey, Analyst, 2011, 136, 3430-3433.
    DOI: 10.1039/c0an00853b
  • Photonics-on-a-Chip: Integrated Waveguides as Enabling Detection Elements for Lab-on-a-Chip Biosensing Applications, A.L. Washburn and R.C. Bailey, Analyst, 2011, 136, 227-236.
    DOI: 10.1039/C0AN00449A
  • Multiplexed Cancer Biomarker Detection Using Chip-Integrated Silicon Photonic Sensor Arrays, A.L. Washburn, W.W. Shia, K.A. Lenkeit, S.-H. Lee, R.C. Bailey Analyst2016141, 5358-5365
    DOI: 10.1039/C6AN01076H - Featured on the Cover of the Journal

Congratulations to Ryan!
